News 2012-06-12 UNDERSTANDING - RABIES..... UNDERSTANDING RABIES ...... Rabies has been mentioned for a while now, last year and the year before that, cases appearing in Gauteng, now it is causing havoc in KwaZulu Natal. How does one become infected? People become infected via the saliva of infected animals, it can be a bite wound, a lick that the saliva from an infected animal penetrates a wound on your hand, your leg etc. Moist areas eg, mouth and eyes are vulnerable. It affects the nervous system. The animal infected has to have the virus present in its brain to be able to transmit this disease. The infected animal will die within two weeks. URGENT treatment is of the utmost importance.
Is your dog rabies vaccinated??? The best and easiest way to ensure 100% safety irrespective where you reside - Immunise your pets. Cats and dogs. Rabies is an inexpensive inoculation. Some areas only require inoculations be done every three years. We have always immunised every year when the animals annual inoculation becomes due. If you are living in an area that has a rabies problem, your pup should be covered by the parents immunity (hopefully their immunisation is up to date), until such time as your pup can have its own inoculation. Your pup can have its first rabies shot when it is 12 weeks of age. Be guided by your vet for follow up boosters. Some vets will booster the rabies at 16 weeks, others at a later age. You must enquire from your vet what he/she suggests. Irrespective of where you reside, it is in your interests and that of your family and friends, that all your pets cats and dogs and other livestock (that could be infected with rabies) all be immunised against RABIES. Please bring this to the attention of your staff who may have animals in homelands and possibly in their own homes. Periodically Animal Shelters will offer rabies vaccinations free of charge to the public.